Outing yourself as a feminist to fellow Christians is a bit of a minefield. Poor understanding of the word and deliberate misunderstanding and demonisation of women who stand up for an equal shot at humanity is rife in the conservative Christian world. So indoctrinated by the ideology of male headship, even some women clutch their pearls at the idea of being labeled a feminist, even those who secretly subscribe to the notion that women are equal to men in every way.
It is true that some progress has been made, particularly on the east side of the pond. Women are even fairly frequently to be found in pulpits preaching, and on leadership teams pastoring (in all but title). The less said about the west side of the pond the better really, what a frightening place to be either a woman hoping for bodily autonomy or a child hoping to be safe at school.
So the question remains, if these progresses have been made, why are so many women still so angry about it?
For me it's the absolute lack of accountability and responsibility. The church has continuously failed to stand up and acknowledge the harm it has caused to women. I ache for a church with the courage to stand up and say YES! The church has inappropriately interpreted the Bible through a toxic patriarchal lens and used it to subjugate women and girls.
The closest we hear is those saying that "if people REALLY look at the Bible they will see that it's not what was meant...". However that is not what has happened. The church, Christianity, has wilfully abused women, used their backs to build upon and perpetuate a system which benefits men and teaches women that they ought to be grateful for the benevolent protection afforded to them by men.
Except they have not been protected. Women are the most abused, most commonly murdered group of people in the world. In the UK a woman is killed every three days by a man. Globally a third of ALL women have experienced some form of physical and/or sexual violence from men. And unfortunately women are not safer within the church. The bible has been used to send women back into violent domestic situations with the advice to submit. Worse still, the blame for their situation has been placed at their door, being told that if they had been more submissive, less demanding, more loving, then their husband would have no reason to abuse her. The weaponising of 1 Peter 3:1-2 in this regard is nothing less than sickening.
As uncomfortable as this is, the church has perpetuated violence against women regardless of the avalanche of scriptures humanising and elevating women in a time period where women were usually seen as 'less than'. Until the church stands up collectively and admits it's part in that, then there is no real and meaningful way forwards and towards eliminating violence against women and girls within the church walls and beyond. The church helped it start so the church must help it finish.
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