Genesis Blueprint
We don't need to read far into the Bible to see Gods blueprint for the earth and humanity. All of creation was designed to work in harmony and at peace with one another. Everything was 'good' until He created mankind and it was the completion of everything including humanity, which earned his final, sixth day 'very good'.
God said "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over...[every living creature].. so God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them" (v26-27). God is fully expressed in the combination of male and female. One is not complete without the other. Not necessarily in a marriage sense, but humanity is only complete when both male and female are fully expressed as they are in God. It is here also that the counter culturedness of scripture is established. Early readers and writers of scriptures were familiar with predominantly male kings and rulers being 'like God', and here it is proclaimed that humanity itself, both male and female, is created in the image of God.
Humanity, the full expression of the male and femaleness of God, was created to rule over the creatures in the sea, the sky and on land. There was no distinction made in this first, foundational chapter of the scriptures between male and female. So the blueprint was laid in Genesis 1 with no hierarchies in place. Reading the following chapter can seem to be a little tricky. I believe this is because most of us have been taught the Bible through a patriarchal lens. However the Bible cannot contradict itself. The foundation laid in chapter 1 is not changed by the further discussion in chapter 2.
So if the foundation is equality between the sexes in terms of ruling in chapter 1, what is chapter two saying? I think the final verse holds the key; "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh" (v24). This verse bookends the central verses by reiterating the equality of humanity and speaking to those who saw females as sub-human to males. In the ancient world women were possessions to be traded and sold. Women left their families to go to their husbands homes. Yet here, the balance is redressed, shocking the ancient readers out of their world-view. The man was to leave HIS parents to be united with his wife.
Additionally, to become one 'flesh', or to become the complete sum of parts, the parts must of course fit, but there must also be equality between the parts. No one part of the body is more important than another as we see in 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, pointing to an equal partnership.
So what of the complementarian view that because the man was created before the woman and named her and even the status of 'helper', that he is the 'head' of her?
I believe that what we see in the interim verses in Genesis two is pretty close to what complementarians see too... just slightly different in the conclusion. The relationship between Adam and Eve was made to be reflective of Gods desire for a bride. As egalitarian writer Sarah Connor says "Adam was first not because he's better or deserves more respect or is just a little bit more human, but because in this eternal representation he reflects who God is to humanity. Which means that Eve reflects who humanity is to God. Neither represents the more important reality since, in this case, they are naught but reflections. In the real world, where all of us pass our everyday lives, Adam is no more Godlike than Eve and Eve is no more human than Adam. Genesis 1, which we were supposed to read before we got to Genesis 2, makes that clear".
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