More in love

Speaking with a friend this week I am reminded of the value of sisterhood in Christ. We talked about Jesus. We talked about his interactions with women. We lifted our spirits together by reminding one another of His goodness. 

Jesus was unfailingly kind and approachable with women and in fact all people from oppressed groups. He was completely counter-culture in his approach. He protected women by elevating their status to that of men by reminding them of their humanity - "Who will cast the first stone?". He didn't shy away from difficult conversations - the woman at the well got more than she bargained for that day and though he quietly admonished her and helped her to see her sin, she went away refreshed, repentant and joyful! Full of a desire to tell others, one of the first evangelists you might say. He didn't need to leave specific instructions on how to treat women because He lived it.

The more often I read Jesus, the more I fall in love with Him. I just need to keep coming back to Him. This issue of women is painful but in Jesus it is so obvious, we just need to consider, to coin an old cliche, what would Jesus do?


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