Musings on polar opposites and peace
Lately we've seen the UK public plant themselves at two different ends of the spectrum. Racist and antiracist. It was like a real life theatre piece of good versus evil, and on a day of antiracist protests it seems, 'good' won, with the racists predominantly staying home and the antiracists claiming the streets. It was both heartening (to see such support or our black and brown brothers and sisters) and worrying (because the violently intent racists haven't disappeared, they just stayed home for a day). However, my thoughts today aren't predominantly about racism. While these events have certainly caused me to keep it in my mind and to check in on my black and brown friends, my thoughts for this blog post have landed on a philosophical topic and I am wondering if seeing such polarisation leads us to believe that there are only ever extremes of views and no room for nuance in the conversation. What I've learnt about racism over the past however many years is tha...