
Showing posts from April, 2023

Good Friday

Matthew 27 & 28 Mark 15 & 16 Luke 23 & 24 John 19 & 20 The accounts of Jesus' death and resurrection are a powerful read this morning, on Good Friday. Reading them together gives an incredible 360 view of the scene. Reading the Bible through the lens God has given me, I'm usually drawn to the women in the narrative. None of these accounts of Christ's death and resurrection disappoint. The women are there. They follow him to the hill of crucifixion, they stay with him as he dies, care for him and watch over him in death and first witness the empty tomb and his resurrection. Jesus addressed them on numerous occasions, to comfort them, to care for them and finally to send them as the first messengers of the gospel. It is incredible but not surprising to see Jesus in his final hours reaffirming the presence and integrality of women. Throughout his life Jesus never missed an opportunity to include women and to elevate them to the status of human, bucking social n...