You are her daughters
This blog has been a long time in the planning process. Actually 'planning' is far too grand a statement for what the process has been so far. I am a woman who is loved by God. He knows me, he 'knit me together' before I was born, he planned my days. He knew the day I would meet him and had planned the angels singing party for that incredible moment. He loves me. He also put a fire in my heart for the oppressed and marginalised. For the groups on the edges of the church. For women, for the LGBTQI community, for groups suffering at the hands of institutional racism and oppression. Psalm 82:3 "Defend the weak and the fatherless, uphold the cause of the poor and oppressed". This verse has been a cymbal in my brain since my early 20's. My early interpretation of this call was to go on overseas missions and join local homeless charities and these are so important and I would urge anyone to do it - I would love it if any of my children chose to go. However seas...